Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Relationship Advice

I have recently gotten over a huge mess in a relationship. I didn't know where to turn for advice and have a big issue with trying to find out advice from people on relationship stuff. I wanted to really get my relationship back together and bring back the love of my life. I love the women I am with sooooooo much that I was willing to do almost anything to salvage what we have with each other. Ten very eventful years with each other. That's a long time to be with someone, just to let them slowly drift away. I was desperate, trying out different things that weren't working out to good for me. I felt very lost and had no real direction, other then my guts. I'm really happy I recognized a problem and addressed it. All because I found a good solution to my relationship problems and applied what I learned. The answers were right there in my face the whole time I was going through my problems. The best part of the whole thing is that, I was able find the advice in privacy. I am living a beautiful reconnected life with my wife now!!! Because I was able to fix my relationship and bring her back, I want people to feel that emotional explosion and weight off the shoulders like me. Our relationship is stronger then it has ever been. We act like we did when we first met. Be confident and reach out for your reconnection.